At the centre of it all
There are several vital organs in the body including our brains (day 8) and yesterday's liver, but it is the heart that lies at our core as emotional human beings - the middle chakra.
It is our heart where we will feel love, the love we should have for our bodies and all it's wonderful individual and interconnected parts. Surely it's deserve of some love itself!

My heart is the reason I'm here because when the body confidence calendar idea came up, my head said 'you'd be mad' and my body said 'you're not going to show us off are you?', but my heart said 'do this, it's not about sense or indeed about you and, it feels right'. And so here I am. Smart heart - it was right!
On a practical level - our heart feeds the rest of our body by pumping blood and oxygen around, but here's the amazing bit...
... If any of our vital organs fail, there's a chance we'll pass away, but it is said that you can die of a broken heart - even if it's otherwise healthy. I don't think that can be said of any other body part. When it swells (like it did when we hit our target yesterday) - it's a good thing, and... It's also the only body part we can give away that grows as a result of it being given.
Simply awesome.
Love your heart, because your heart does the loving.
Feeling a bit emosh! (Just one more blog to go)
Denise x
PS: Find out more about the project that's behind #30daysofbodypraise at: and please support us however you can.
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