Wednesday 31 July 2013

Meeting Masato

Having seen the lovely Sarah Jane Honeywell in a Masato dress that she was to later auction for charity, I decided to follow the designer on Twitter (@masatostudio)

Though I like to look, I'm not normally one for designer wear - but I decided to check out their designs on the web as you do! Typically however, a dress (several actually!) did catch my eye - with it's deep rich purple tones, softening circles and feminine cut - and I posted it on Pintrest: with the phrase "If only... So Classy"

So there I was, checking my tweets last week when I see that Masato is doing a sale and you guessed it, I went the site again. Next thing you know I'm making enquiries which lead to me visiting the studio, justifying it with the sentence: "well, I'm just looking as I do have a wedding to go to soon"!

Luckily (- it was a budget-blower!) the one I saw on Pintrest didn't quite work for me (darn you small bust!) but another one fitted as if designed just for me (Oops..) and the damage was done!

It's definitely worth it though. And, whilst in the studio I also got to see sketches of what Masato was working on, try on 'test' dress and suggest the colour it should be produced in!

Here's the lovely, talented man himself:

Read about Masato here: Buy Masato here:

PS - I have not been sponsored by Masato to do this blog! I'm just chuffed with my lovely new dress and impressed with the service - from Mike picking me up at the station to my personal hand-drawn picture.

PPS - You will see the dress in it's glory in another blog... I need to accessorise!

Monday 22 July 2013

A sunshine dress!

Hari's story

  • The challenge:

I was contacted by Hari's mum as they were struggling to find something special for petite (as it turned out more petite than even she realised!) Hari to wear to an important event. They also had limited time to shop together as Hari didn't live at home in London, and only weeks until the big night.

  • The solution:

We decided the best option was for me to go virtual shopping for them.

  • The steps:

Hari completed a detailed questionnaire about her measurements, her preferences and her budget; and sent me a picture of herself. 

I then set about finding some options for Hari searching on-line and in the shops. Rather than the high street, I focused on boutiques and vintage outlets (as vintage close often come up small) and was able to come up with a number of options - most in line with Hari's preferences, but I also a few ideas of my own.

I emailed the choices to Hari who picked some favourites. I then arranged for Hari to try them on.

Hari in another lovely dress, but not quite the 'wow' factor!

  • From the search to the choice:

Hari came to see me one weekend to try on a few dresses I'd ordered and picked up for her. One of the dresses was sticking out of its box and Hari looked so horrified by it that I shut the box and got her to try on her preferred styles.

Finally I asked Hari to try on the 'wildcard' dress that I thought would work but wasn't what she'd suggested.

We went from the horrified look at first glance to Hari not wanting to take it off for her bowling trip with friends!

But, it didn't stop there as the dress needed adjusting as it was still too big.

Seven layers of sunshine!

  • What happened next?:

I arranged for a seamstress to alter the dress which was much needed as it was still a little too big and a whole lot too long!

I also helped Hari with her accessories.

  • The end result:

Hari loved her dress, looked amazing, and bagged the award for Business continuity Student of the Year.

Simply stunning.

And here's what another client said about Damson Belle's virtual service (a lovely surprise, and completely unsolicited I promise you) -

If you have a special occasion, if no-one else can help you too, it's time to...
Call me on 07887 643807