How to buy clothes you'll still love when you look at them in your mirror at home.
Last week I did a corporate style event in LK Bennett's Covent Garden store, and found myself dispensing advice to lots of lovely ladies with one common theme - how they got from loving something on the mannequin to actually wearing it once they'd left the shop with it.
I heard then, and hear often, from women (and men) who have numerous unworn items in their wardrobe(s). If that's you, I dare you to calculate that cost! And then, read on for my top tips on avoiding adding more regrets to it.
My ten top tips (in no particular order!)
Try things on and do the 360! |
Don't go shopping blindly
...know what you already own that will work with what you're about to buy - from accessories to underwear.
2. Put on the right footwear to try stuff on with
...Why? Because, for example, heel height will change the length something appears and it will alter your posture affecting the overall impact. Trying to tip toe to the right height rarely works as we concentrate on not toppling over!
3. Be conscious of the impact of store lighting on the colour of your chosen item
...Try and get near natural light if possible or imagine yourself under dinner lighting. Don't be shy about leaving the changing room! Walking about will also help you know if something feels comfortable as well as if it looks right.
4. Know your shopping horror history
...If all your previous shopping horrors have been when you've shopped alone: go shopping with a trusted (honest yet diplomatic!) friend or better still a stylist especially if your purchase is expensive and/important. If all your mistakes have been after a few lunchtime drinks with Belle from the office - don't do that again!
“If all your
mistakes have been after a few lunchtime drinks with Belle from the office -
don't do that again!”
5. Step away from the mirror and do the 360
...It may look great on, face on and close up but does it look the same at a distance and from a different perspective?
6. Play with it!
...For example, as a petite I know that I might have to have something altered so I'll try and create that scenario in-store. If you think something needs adjusting ask the store if they can tape the change (eg hem, sleeve length) for you. Changing something can alter the overall look. LK Bennett, for example, will do alterations.
7. If you can, get someone to take a photo of you in the outfit
...Again, it's about seeing things from a different perspective.
Important: This is not an opportunity to criticise yourself but to critique an outfit.
8. Go knowing you
...Get to know your best colours, understand your body shape and think about your style personality - you may love the idea of something more than you'll love it on you
9. Have a place/event in mind that you know you'll wear the item or outfit to.
...We've all brought something fab and had it languish in our wardrobe for an age before having a suitable place to wear it to. That's ok with a classic piece but not a high fashion piece which may not be in fashion next year!
I know it sounds obvious, but...
10 ...actually
Try stuff on! I've worked with people who hate shopping so they rush in and buy something, those who buy because they like the look of something in an ad' or on the hanger and others who don't like the hassle of changing rooms.
As with all my 'advice', the final thing is... If you really (really) love it and feel wow in it, forget all of the above and go for it!
What are your top
Happy shopping!
Denise x
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