Saturday, 28 June 2014

Be a liver lover!

It's Saturday night...

...The night most commonly associated with having a drink or three.

This evening the Calendar Girls will be popping open the bubbly to celebrate reaching our crowdfunder target. (As will either Brazil or Chile football fans!)

These are NOT the calendar girls!

In praise and thanks to my liver, I will be having just the one (even though it might be a big one!)

If you're joining us in celebrating, go easy and spare a thought for your liver that works overtime when you have a good time. Don't have too much and make it poorly, instead: pace yourself, drink water too and if you do go a little crazy give your liver 2-3 days off after tonight...

... And tomorrow, your head and stomach might just thank you!

As for tonight, WE THANK YOU!
Denise x

PS: Find out more about the project that's behind #30daysofbodypraise at: and please support us however you can.

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